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Don’t believe the mainstream slave trade narrative! Hebrew ancestors were chastised by The Most High because He loved them.
Knowing the end from the beginning, He declared to Abram: “Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred years.” —Genesis 15:13
Exactly 400 years after the Hebrews arrived in #America in 1620, The Most High made a closer visit to the earth and through confusion, fear, and disarray in tents of heathens as the #PlanDemic (2020) began to spread like wildfire—closing all nations.
Never in the history of time has all nations closed.
Why now?
A message came from Adonai-Tzva’ot: “Adonai-Tzva’ot says, ‘I am extremely jealous on Tziyon’s behalf, and I am jealous for her with great fury.’ —Zechariah 8:1-2
The Most High has a jealous heart for His firstborn—unmatched by any (Exodus 4:22).
And like His jealousy, incomparable to all creation, so is His love. That’s why, fulfilling His Word/Promise (Deuteronomy 28), the Hebrews endured slavery like no other people.
And because of His fiery passion and love who those He chose; the whole world is in mess and will be devoured and made new just for you—for His glory.
Make no mistake. You are special. Even if it doesn’t feel like it. Christian adherents have been telling on themselves for ages. Many of us were just too blind to see the truth because of scholars and (his)torians. But in this season of complete exposure, everything is being laid bare by The Most High.
Just like the seed of satan, running this age with their demonic religion, dominating the earth. Yahusha, the faithful Messiah, made it clear. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” —John 10:10
Christianity, the religion that was deceptively birthed from Catholicism, is the faith of the devil and folks still prove it to this day. Not only were Crusaders famous for killing in the name of jes-us—those who didn’t join them in their illusion of freedom, the same heathens carry the same torch today.
Every president has either been a catholic or a Christian, singing the same song of the Orthodox Christian Church in Rome—murdering outsiders in the so-called interest of the us of a and alike.
Evidence is clear and it is painfully obvious which god they speak of and perform for.
Understand that the number one religion of this world didn’t evangelize all nations and erected the land of the false ideology of freedom with the true gospel. They actually went about being cancer everywhere they put their hands and feet—wiping families off the map.
Make no mistake is this time of the Light of Yahusha exposing the fake light of satan (darkness). We are fast approaching the requirement that will be made known to the world—take the mark of the beast to remain acceptable and relevant in society.
And it is without question, given the indisputable history of those who orchestrated Christianity and Catholicism, they will be the leaders of the one-world religion that attempts to devour all who choose not to accept allegiance to satan's gospel and his son, the lord (ba’al).
How else can…
It’s plain to see, for those who study with the discernment Ruach HaEmet (His Spirit that bring Truth), the Adversary definitely needs a religion that can comfortably fool humanity—which is impossible to fit in the entirely of the Holy Word in context.
It’s time to forsake this world, and the doctrine that has proved from day one that it belongs to this age and not the one to come.
“Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.” —Revelation 18:4 The only place christianity fits in scripture is that many false prophets will rise up and deceive many (Matthew 24:11).
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Download PDFThis was even after the KJV Bible was published in 1611!
Here is one of many letters to Prince Charles and the Marquess of Buckingham…
[19? February 1623]
“Sweet boys, The news of your going is already so blown abroad as I am forced for your safety to post this bearer after you, who will give you his best advice and attendance in your journey. God bless you both, my sweet babes, and send you a safe and happy return.”
King James.
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The jes-us narrative ran out of real estate ages ago. Even when Hebrews rode the ship to the Americas.
The question remains—how long you will keep riding the wave of hell-bound lies.
“Lubeck John Hawkins of Plymouth is widely acknowledged to be the pioneer of the English slave trade, because he was the first to run the Triangular trade, making a profit at every stop. In 1564, Queen Elizabeth I partnered with him by renting him the huge old 700-tonne ship.
Jesus of Lubeck.”
A Slave Ship Called jes-us